By Fernando Berrocal
Confirming that your initial idea will work is an important part of the startup launching process. You will need to conduct a beta test on your beta client(s) to check your business idea. Beta testing your concept with actual clients before you start can help your startup to achieve two essential goals:
- Evaluate what has to be improved before you start.

Definition of Beta Testing
Beta testing is the process of putting your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) through its paces in your target market. This approach allows you to see firsthand how your ideal customer will react to your concept. A Beta Client is someone who you use to evaluate your sample product before it officially launches. This sample is the minimal version of your product that you show to your beta clients.
Consider making a sampler platter of your greatest nibbles (if you're thinking of starting a food business) and sampling them with a small group of people who have previously expressed an interest in paying for it. Using a friendly audience to sample your product.
What does it mean to have a Minimal Viable Product (MVP)?
A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a prototype of the product you intend to make - essentially a sample of your product. Your MVP is similar to a beta version of your product that you test in your target market. This sample is the preliminary stage in introducing your startup to a potential client.
Do you recall the sample platter? It should just include the core essentials of what you wish to give - your best picks. The essential point is to remember that this platter may (and should) change based on the feedback you receive from your beta testers.
Why is this Viable Product Minimal?
The cost of developing your MVP is generally a small fraction of the cost of creating the ultimate product. Creating this example allows you to validate what you require and what you do not. It also provides you with a clear understanding of key concepts, such as:
- How much the finished product will cost to make.
- How many items will be required for the initial batches.
- How your reordering procedure should be batched.
You must test your sample on your beta clients before moving on with the development of your product.
What is a “Beta Test Client” exactly?
Someone or a group of people who reflects your ideal customer is referred to as a beta test client. Your beta clients might be people in your close circle, such as friends and family who would be willing to pay for the finished product. Remember that your startup concept is generally inspired by difficulties you encounter in your daily life. Typically, concerns that impact you or others in your immediate surroundings. Family members, friends, associates, and acquaintances are examples of these groups. Please keep in mind that your beta testers should not be your fans or hype buddies. This way, you'll get honest, unbiased input to help you go forward with your business idea.

Real-time findings are obtained by testing a sample of your product on real people with real requirements (or tastes!). You gain personal knowledge of what your ideal customer needs and desires. You determine how applicable your startup concept is to their requirements. And, rather than what you imagined, what people want to experience when using your product.
Let's return to the example of the meal sampler. If you want to open a food business, you should try out a few samples of the cuisine you plan to serve. Before Covid, you would hold a sampling event and invite people to test your food in your neighborhood. If you want to avoid social distance, you may ask a few individuals you know to taste a meal. Of course, according to the social distancing guiding laws.
Alternatively, if you want to establish a dry-cleaning business, you may use a low-cost entrance plan. This technique will assist you in observing how your clients respond to your organization. From contactless drop-off through delivery or pick-up, you'll be able to tell what works and what doesn't.
You now understand what beta testing is, what you're testing, and who takes part in the process. The major issue is: what are the advantages of beta testing your startup concept? Why should you test a sample of your product or service before going public with your startup? The answers to these questions are the following:
- You learn who your Ideal Customer is, not the demographic information you specified when you first came up with the idea. You can now put a face to the person you want to help.
- You create a communication link between your startup and its customers. By conversing with them, you get to know their voice just as they get to know yours.
- Your ideal consumer gives your startup a face. They may not know you in person, but they now understand why you want to help them. They appreciate the fact that you view them as individuals in need of help rather than just numbers. Your startup develops more of a link to them. Keep in mind that business is a human experience.
- You expand your business network and contacts while building your tribe of community.
So, Why should you participate in a Beta-Test?
It saves you time and money by removing the need for trial and error. It helps you make the decisions you need to make to help your startup flourish. Beta-testing your business before releasing it is similar to a pilot going through a takeoff checklist before flying a plane. Following this procedure prevents you from encountering difficulties that may have been avoided.
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